I have had quite the week, y'all. Both good and bad. Let me tell you. It started out bad. So, that's what will be first.
A) We hadn't been able to get a hold of Chris, a less active that we see all the time and was making great progress, for about a week. We were really worried because that isn't like Chris at all. One of the days we went over there I knocked REALLY loud for a really long time (probably about 13 knocks) and his neighbor came out to tell us that Chris died. They found him in his apartment a couple days before.
B) One of my favorite people in MB moved across the country without saying goodbye. She's not responding to anybody either. I really hope she is okay.
C) Pam, who is making GREAT progress, is moving to another ward because the bank is taking her house.
Then the clouds opened up and God said, "I hate you, Sister Broadbent." - The Little Rascals.
D) Then we found out that Myrtle Beach will no longer have sister missionaries. There aren't enough sisters to have them in all the wards, so they are having to pull them from different wards. Myrtle Beach is one of them.
This all happened in about two days, in order. I pretty much just broke down sobbing... yep. It's been rough.
Then the clouds re-opened and God said, "I love you, Sister Broadbent. Here's some blessings."
A) We made hawaiian haystacks, a food nobody has heard about here, for Pam and her daughter. They loved them! Her daughter is starting to talk to us more now.
B) I saw the Watsons at church. They are a couple in Georgetown that didn't have their records in the branch, but we found them knocking. They lived in Bear Lake for a long time. They are doing well! :)
C) I saw another member from Georgetown that I worked a lot with at a grocery store she is working at now up in Myrtle Beach. She is doing well also!
D) I got a picture from my dear Sister Orr of a girl in a part member family that we found and started teaching who got baptized in Gaston. It made me so happy!
I am getting excited to have a new area. I love the people in Myrtle Beach sooooo much. I think it will be good for me to leave, though. I've gotten way too comfortable here. Missions aren't supposed to be comfortable. This will be good.
God loves me.
I love y'all!! Have a great week!
Love, Sister Broadbent. :)
PS shout out to Trevor! Good luck, my baby brother! :) I love ya!
Missy's baby brother, Elder Broadbent, will be serving in the Spain Madrid Mission. |