Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ain't nobody home... They all workin.‏

That was the common response this week while we were out knocking. People watch us like hawks! They see us and are like, "oooh... look at dem white girls in skirts. Somethins goin on." haha! They always let us know that their neighbors aren't home.

Welcome to the South! these signs are all over.
 These 2 are on an old barn.

It has been a good week! Just some trivial stuff:
A. I found out that lamb is not a good thing for me to eat. And of course we had it three days this week from different people. Not a good idea, Sister Broadbent.
B. We saw a bunch of baby alligators in the pond behind our branch president's house. They are so cute.
C. We went to a Gospel choir concert in a Baptist church. That was super cool. Definitely not something they do out west. All those times we tried to sing gospel songs in choir? yep. We had no idea what we were doing. I got to go to the real thing. It was the coolest.
D. We shared a scripture with a member about slavery... We didn't realize it was about that until we were reading it to her. Then it was super awkward. If you thought that racism was dead, come to South Carolina and you will find it is still alive and kicking.

This week we found four new investigators. It has been super slow the past couple months, but it looks like it is finally picking up. We found a lady named Tina who at first thought we were Jehovahs Witness, so she told us to go away. After we had left and knocked on another house she called us back. She said she wanted to ask us a couple questions. The first one was, "Are you JWs?" the second was about heaven. She said she just really felt like she needed to talk to us for some reason. Little does she know! Anyway, we said a prayer with her and she bust into tears. At first I thought she was going to start speaking in tongues. Thankfully she didn't do that. That is something I have not seen yet and am grateful for it. She was really glad we came back, and said we made her feel a lot better. Thank you Holy Ghost!! We are going back tomorrow to talk with her some more. I have a good feeling about her. We gave her a hug before we left and she was shocked because we are white and she is black. That happens more than you would think. Racism is silly and makes no sense.

Mom, you will like this one. We were talking to this lady, Veera, who when we gave her a pass along card and saw the finding faith in Christ video on the back said she had a copy and wanted to watch it the night before, but couldn't find it. We didn't have a copy in our car, but we went home and got the one you sent me and delivered it to her the next day.
We got to go to the temple this week, too! We went to a sealing of someone that Sister Seaman had taught. It was super awesome. I love the temple. Now I can say I have been to a sealing in the mission field.

I tried boiled peanuts this week- really weird. They taste almost like re-fried beans. I also decided that I like strawberries. Another food update: I like tomatoes on sandwiches. I still hate ketchup, though. So, yep.

Those are the highlights of the week. I love being a missionary. And I can't wait til mothers day in a couple weeks when we can skype. We will figure out logistics soon, and I will let you know ASAP. I love y'all! Have a blessed week.
Sister Broadbent. :)

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